Meet Our Newest Employee, Karla!

     Hackberry Tea is a small business with a lot of help. As we continue to grow, we have had to increase our help and look beyond the family circle. The next closest thing to family is friends, and lucky for us, we have had a handful of friends join the Hackberry team recently. Our newest friend to join is my long-time friend, Karla! 

   We have been friends with Karla and her family for 15 years now and became close initially after serving together at our church's nursery. Karla lives with her husband, three beautiful children, and pet dog. She previously worked from home with Wells Fargo and before that was a barista at Starbucks. The timing worked out perfectly for her to join Hackberry, as I was searching for more employees, and she was looking for part-time work while her kids were in school. It was the perfect fit! We are so excited to have Karla on our team and know that Hackberry will significantly benefit from her prior experiences and love for tea!

Some Words from Karla

     While coffee is my go-to drink, there are times when a cup of tea is exactly what I’m looking for. In previous coffee shops I’ve worked at, it always seemed like tea was an add-on to what the real product was, coffee. Hackberry Tea is different. It’s not just an add-in to Sagebrush, it’s its own entity. We at Hackberry are just as committed to bring you the best tea experience as we are at Sagebrush to bring you the best cup of coffee. That distinction sets Hackberry Tea apart from all those other coffee shops that happen to also offer tea. That’s honestly why I am excited to have recently joined the Hackberry team. Whether you’re a coffee or tea drinker, there’s something here for you. 

     My favorite tea blends often have licorice, orange, cinnamon, and ginger. I enjoy green and black teas. I am excited to expand my knowledge and tea experience. I’ve stuck to the same flavors for a long time because I didn’t really know how to expand my tea “repertoire.” I’ve tried pretty generic grocery store tea but I’m usually underwhelmed by the flavors they offer. Now that I am at Hackberry I can really figure out what I love. As I settle into things here at Hackberry, I’m excited to start my adventure into the world of tea. As I learn, I will be sharing what I’m learning, so stay tuned!

How Tea Can Enhance the School Experience
Elevate Your Baking with Tea