Introducing a New Step in Our Tea Packaging

Hey, I’m Jonathan and I’m the head of media development here at Hackberry. From the logo to the product photos to the blog graphics, I’m the one behind it all. This job is so much fun! It’s such a rewarding experience knowing valued customers get to enjoy our product and how it looks every day, but my favorite part of being a media developer is the ability to create physical packaging. Packaging, especially in the tea business, is such a crucial element to an entire company’s branding. It’s the first thing people see when they open their package, and the last thing they see when they finish their tea. It’s so foundational, and for this reason, we felt the need to take a new step forward in our packaging design, and we’re very excited to introduce our new and improved colored label system!

     Throughout the years of using our old tea label system, we’ve heard a steady number of requests for additions to our packaging, and we’ve decided to listen to every one of them! We’ve expanded our label size, as well as brought in a new industrial color label printer. This gives us the ability to provide you with a new colored tea-type sorting which makes identifying which tea type you’d like even easier. On top of this new color system, we’ve also doubled the number of elements on our label. We’ve added a custom quick brew instruction guide that is unique to each and every tea. We’ve also brought in a caffeine level indicator, making late night brews a breeze. With this refresh, we’ve also revamped and updated our tea product photos, which features each tea in a fresh and clear way.

     I’m really excited about this label refresh because it makes our tea drinking experience even more interactive. You’re more informed about our tea than ever and can love how it looks along the way. We here at Hackberry love bringing you guys the best tea drinking experience, and we’re doing whatever it takes to maximize anything we can. Our packaging is no exception, and we’re excited to see what this new chapter brings!

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